Intro to context classes

Context classes allow you to create encapsulated behaviors that can be consumed in a spec. You can easily reuse context across test fixtures in a variety of ways. There's the typical inheritance-based approach:

public class OrderProcessorSpecs
	public class when_processing_an_order : given.the_item_is_available
		private OrderResult _result;

		protected override void When()
			_result = SUT.Process(new Order { PartNumber = "TestPart", Quantity = 10 });

		public void then_the_order_is_accepted()

		public void then_it_checks_the_inventory()

		public void then_it_raises_an_order_submitted_event()
				.Verify(p => p.Publish(It.Is<OrderSubmitted>(o => o.OrderNumber == _result.OrderNumber)));

	public class when_processing_an_order_with_a_negative_quantity : given.the_item_is_available
		private OrderResult _result;

		protected override void When()
			_result = SUT.Process(new Order{ PartNumber = "TestPart", Quantity = -1});

		public void then_the_order_is_rejected()

		public void then_it_does_not_check_the_inventory()
				.Verify(i => i.IsQuantityAvailable("TestPart", -1), Times.Never());

		public void then_it_does_not_raise_an_order_submitted_event()
				.Verify(p => p.Publish(It.IsAny<OrderSubmitted>()), Times.Never());

	public class given
		public class the_item_is_available : SpecsFor<OrderProcessor>
			protected override void Given()
					.Setup(i => i.IsQuantityAvailable("TestPart", 10))